Saturday, April 7, 2012

Create Your Own Decor

Perhaps you have an idea for the perfect piece to complete the room but you can not find it. Create It! This doesn't mean designing and building a piece from scratch, although if you are able, go for it. This simply may be customizing a piece you find to make it "work" with your design style.
It could also be reinventing an item as decor; something I enjoy doing. I utilize a lot of natural accents for my decor which creates the organic feel I appreciate. Much of these items are free from nature and make beautiful displays.
The above decor item is made of wood slash: 3 pcs of wood slash (1 inch height, 3 different diameter of slices put up together, finishing with 3 small sticks) you can call it what you want, but may look attractive in your bathroom or showcase with glass candle in living room.
Restore, Reuse, Reinvent is easily achieved when it comes to decor ideas and decorating. We understand how decor can be reinvented as mentioned above with natural decor. What about reused or restored decor? Reused decor could be considered an antique, for instance, that has been reclaimed and given a "new life" in a modern home.
It could be an old wooden frames or tree leaves that is restored to like-new condition. Of course if you are like me, you prefer the weathered, rustic patina it may currently have, thus it is just reused as in many of my green decorating examples.
The Photo Frames are excellent idea for new concept decorations, simply use old photo frames and combination of different leaves, the main concept is composition of leaves and the background wall you are using to put them and having fun at the same time!
Create! What ever you can! - Roy - (If you liked it...pls post it)

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